The UPLB Office of the Vice Chancellor for Research and Extension (OVCRE) and the College of Development Communication (CDC) officially kicks off the online training on Communicating Agriculture and Fisheries for Inclusive and Sustainable Development Information and Knowledge Management Mentorship Program (CAFRISD-IKMMP). 

This capacity building activity is participated in by key staff of the Department of Agriculture – Bureau of Agricultural Research (DA-BAR). The short-training course will run from the 8th to the 23rd of June, 2022. Mentors and resource persons are from the Department of Development Journalism, Department of Educational Communication, and Department of Science Communication of the College.

CAFRISD-IKMMP is a professional development/learning opportunity for DA staff to enhance their skills and knowledge on science communication. It intends to address the need to facilitate improved knowledge-sharing and dissemination of agriculture and fisheries research and technologies to its intended stakeholders. Outputs from this training will be showcased through a blog site and the official publication of DA-BAR. (Charlene Mae B. Arkaina and Elaine DC Llarena)