The College of Development Communication (CDC) thanks all who had been part of our 24th anniversary celebration! Here is a recap of the activities we held with our stakeholders to celebrate our 24 years of existence as one of the colleges of the University of the Philippines Los Baños.
Hinga Muna ‘Ko, Saks Lang, Todo Na ‘To!: Dealing with Stress, Anxiety and Other Challenges Webinar

The CDC Student Welfare and Development Committee chaired by Asst. Prof. Olga T. Loboy spearheaded Hinga Muna ‘Ko, Saks Lang, Todo Na ‘To!: Dealing with Stress, Anxiety and Other Challenges Webinar on 12 December 2022. Serving as resource speaker was Mr. Archie dela Cruz, a resident counselor at Amara Counseling and Training Center and an accredited member of Kapisanan ng mga Brodkaster ng Pilipinas (KBP). The webinar served as a kumustahan activity mainly for CDC students as they approached the end of the semester. Other UPLB students and members of the general public participated as well. It aimed to equip students with principles and practical tips on how to deal with stress, anxiety and other related issues.

The CDC Graduate Program Committee chaired by Dr. Benjamina Paula Gonzalez-Flor launched the Development Communication Research Conversations (DCRC) on 15 December 2022 via Zoom.The first installment was facilitated by two PhD Devcom students enrolled in DEVC 399 (Graduate Seminar), namely Mr. Daniel Renz M. Roc and Mr. Glenn S. Lubuguin. Mr. Roc’s study was on “Positioning discourses on social constructionism: A metatheoretical mapping of postmodern science and communication studies, while Mr. Lubuguin’s was on “How communication is reconfiguring development trajectories: The political economy of heritage communication”

CDC launched its Legacy Corner on 19 December 2022 at the CDC Reading Room, where the works of Devcom luminaries will be housed. First to contribute to the Legacy Corner was Dr. Crispin C. Maslog, who turned over some of the 41 textbooks he authored and edited and some classic communication and journalism books.
DevCom: A Many Splendored Thing Online Lecture with Dr. Crispin C Maslog

CDC hosted Dr. Crispin C. Maslog on 19 December 2022 through a hybrid forum entitled DevCom: A Many Splendored Thing, where he talked about his journey as a scholar and practitioner. Dr. Maslog is known for his works on the community press, Philippine communication, mass communication and development, science journalism, among others. He also established in 1983 the Los Baños Times, the community news platform managed by the Department of Development Journalism (DDJ).
2022 CDC Outstanding Personnel Awards

Two staff members from the Department of Development Broadcasting and Telecommunication (DDBT) were recognized by the College of Development Communication (CDC) during CDC’s annual Awarding of Outstanding Personnel held on 19 December 2022. These were Mr. Christopher N. Calamlam (Outstanding Administrative Personnel) and Mr. Ryan Jay I. Galang (Outstanding Extension Personnel).
CDC Alumni Association Oath Taking Ceremony

The new members of the Board of Trustees of the CDC Alumni Association (CDCAA) for 2023 to 2025 took their oaths of office on 19 December 2022. Leading them is their president Dr. Benjamina Paula G. Flor, who shared the four-point agenda of her term for alumni, which would focus on expertise sharing, recognizing the achievements of Devcom batches, fellowship and networking, and fundraising activities in support of the Nora C. Quebral Scholarship Fund (NCQSF).
CDC Thanksgiving

Two years after the COVID-19 pandemic, the CDC workforce was once again able to hold a face-to-face fellowship activity on 19 December 2022 before the holiday season. In her speech, Dean Maria Stella C. Tirol said that she was thankful for the health and safety of the CDC faculty and staff and congratulated them for the success of the college’s 24th anniversary celebration.
Kasiyahan 2022: Tunog At Tulong, a Student and Staff Benefit Concert

In partnership with the Office of the Vice Chancellor for Student Affairs and the UPLB University Student Council, CDC held Kasiyahan 2022: Tunog At Tulong, a Student and Staff Benefit Concert on 20 December 2022 at the Molawin Hall of the Student Union Building. This was a fundraising event for UPLB students in need of financial support. CDC performed a dance number led by the CDC Student Council.
(Miguel Victor Durian)